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Take the IHG Ambassador renewal offer, or wait until your travel plans are finalized?

Updated: May 1, 2024. Tim Das.
Take the IHG Ambassador renewal offer, or wait until your travel plans are finalized? - Cover Image
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IHG’s InterContinental Ambassador Membership program offers numerous benefits that outweigh its $200 annual fee.

In our experience, if you are planning to stay 2 or more nights at InterContinental hotels in a year, or 3–5 nights at other IHG hotels, you can easily get benefits worth more than the membership cost. You can read more about the IHG Ambassador benefits here.

Now, if you are already an IHG InterContinental Ambassador, the decision of renewing Ambassador membership can be a tough one, especially if you don’t stay at InterContinental properties regularly.

Let me try to make it simple for you.

When you renew your IHG Ambassador membership, in addition to other benefits, you also get 15,000 bonus IHG points. This is a permanent IHG Ambassador renewal offer.

It is fairly easy to redeem 15,000 points for close to $100 value. IHG Platinum status, one BOGO certificate, and guaranteed room upgrade at InterContinental properties are easily worth more than $100.

Of course, this matters only if you are planning to stay at IHG properties at least a couple of times in the upcoming year.

IHG Ambassador membership can be renewed for USD 200 or 40,000 points. We do not recommend renewing with points as you would lose out on 15,000 points renewal bonus.

The 15,000 points renewal bonus is only available for cash renewals (200 USD).

Renew immediately or wait until travel dates?

Allowing your membership to lapse is not advisable, as you will not receive the 15,000 bonus points if you do not renew within the designated renewal window.

However, if you have no intentions of staying at IHG properties for the next 6 to 8 months, it may be worth considering letting go of your membership.

IHG Ambassador renewal offers.

In addition to the permanent 15,000 bonus points IHG Ambassador renewal offer, IHG has previously provided a few other renewal offers.

These offers have included benefits such as receiving an additional free night certificate after completing a certain number of stays or earning a bonus of 20,000 points for staying 2 nights.

However, these offers are not common and only occur occasionally.

Personally, I believe it is not advisable to let your membership expire and lose out on the 15,000 points for an offer that is not guaranteed. However, you can choose to wait until the last minute to renew if you prefer.

IHG Ambassador Renewal Offer One of the past IHG Ambassador Renewal Offers.

How soon, and how late, can you renew your Ambassador membership?

It is possible to renew your IHG Ambassador membership up to 92 days before it expires. However, if your IHG Ambassador membership has already expired, you will only have a 30-day window to renew and earn 15,000 points.

It is advisable not to wait until the last minute due to potential technical issues, or policy changes that may prevent you from renewing in time.

Complimentary extension options for InterContinental Ambassador membership.

IHG Ambassador members have two opportunities to receive a complimentary extension of their membership.

The first opportunity is a 2-month extension, which can be requested once in a member’s lifetime. To be eligible, the member must have an active Ambassador membership and must not have already redeemed a 2-month extension in the past. Members whose membership has expired are not eligible for this extension.

The second opportunity is a 6-month extension, which can also be requested once in a member’s lifetime. To be eligible, the member must have an active Ambassador membership that is in its second or greater consecutive membership year and must not have already redeemed a 6-month extension in the past. Again, members whose membership has expired are not eligible for this extension.

Note that the 2-month and 6-month extensions cannot be combined into an 8-month extension. They must be applied separately in two different membership years.


InterContinental Ambassador is an excellent program, provided you stay at least a couple of nights at InterContinental properties, or 3 to 5 nights at other IHG hotels in a year.

There’s a bonus of 15,000 points, if you renew in time, and with cash. These points effectively reduces the cost of membership by 50%.

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